Who are the Young Urbanists?

Young Urbanists (YUs) within the Academy of Urbanism are students and early career professionals (under the age of 35) that are keen to develop their knowledge of the principles, techniques and processes of good urbanism. YUs are interested and passionate in fields such as planning and design, development and globalisation, community and politics, and the arts.

YUs will network with their peers and meet Academicians. Academy events include opportunities for Young Urbanists to present their ideas, collaborate on projects and share learning with Academicians.

What we do

Membership Benefits 

  1. Access to informal networking forums with peers and over 500 Academicians from the UK, Ireland, Europe and abroad
  2. Free entry to special events designed for YUs (i.e. lectures, study trips, etc.)
  3. The chance to present and share your own work at peer-to-peer Pecha Kucha-style events and other forums
  4. Access to unique work opportunities exclusive to YUs members (i.e. supporting projects by Academicians or related external activities)
  5. The opportunity to be published in AoU literature
  6. Discounted or free access to major AoU events (ie. Congress, Awards Ceremony) in return for voluntary work, thereby gaining valuable work experience

No longer under 35? No problem!

Age is just a number, but sometimes shared experiences and perspectives can foster a stronger sense of community. We know that life changes and evolves as we get older, and the AoU offers a welcoming space for individuals of all ages.

Whether you're looking for a place to connect with like-minded individuals or seeking new opportunities to develop and contribute your knowledge, there is a place for you at the Academy of Urbanism. Our network of experts and enthusiasts takes a multi-faceted approach to great urbanism, that is enriched by the diversity of our experiences and insights.

Existing Young Urbanists can take advantage of our Academician Pathway programme, or if you’re new and looking for a welcoming and supportive group, we invite you to join us as an Academician or Individual Member. Click here to find out more about membership options and benefits.

We are ever grateful to our Young Urbanist Network Sponsors

The Academy of Urbanism (Number 2) Limited is a not-for-profit organisation limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 0595604, 11c Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 IXE, United Kingdom.
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