The Academicians are a high-level, broad and diverse international community of leaders, thinkers and practitioners engaged in the social, cultural, economic, political and physical development of our villages, towns and cities.
Their collective individual experience of making, shaping and managing great places provides a rich resource from which the Academy draws learning and forms our position on urbanism.
Academicians contribute to our mission through active involvement in our programmes of learning, place partnering and dissemination. This might include instigating events, leading thematic working groups, assessing places for the Urbanism Awards, participating in Diagnostic Visits or writing for the Journal.
In return, the Academy offers a forum through which Academicians can explore new ideas, challenge established orthodoxy, run innovative projects and partner with like-minded individuals.

“The Academy is a driving force for bringing together everyone concerned and engaged with spaces and places. Exchanging insights and knowledge between professional practitioners, academics, communities and policy-makers is essential to ensure we live in flourishing environments. The Academy of Urbanism is an inspiring network that influences our collective ability to create and nurture great places.”
Professor Rachel Cooper OBE AoU
Academician and Distinguished Professor of Design Management and Policy
Lancaster University
How to join
Academicians are selected on the basis of their contribution to the making and shaping of places through a variety of professional and personal means. Joining the Academy means engaging with a diverse network of individuals who are committed to promoting and sharing the lessons learned from good urbanism. Potential Academicians can either apply for membership or be nominated by an existing Academician
This process helps us ensure that the network remains both credible and active. Academician membership costs £288 per annum (inc. VAT). If you are interested in joining the Academy as an Academician you can apply via the button below. If you are an existing Academician and would like to make a nomination please fill out the application via the button below.
For more information please contact the AoU team on either +44 (0) 20 7251 8777 or [email protected].
For more information please contact the AoU team on either +44 (0) 20 7251 8777 or [email protected].
Why join
Access to informal networking forums of over 500 Academicians and 400 Young Urbanists from the UK, Ireland, Europe and abroad
Instigate or engage with regional committee
Nominate new Academicians
Weekly newsletter with information on events and activities
Contribute to the AoU Journal, Here & Now
Discounts on selected publications
Use of the ‘AoU’ post-nominal
Engaging and participating
Discounted or free access to major AoU events (ie. Congress, Awards Ceremony)
Participate in Urban Awards Assessment Visits
Voting in the Urbanism Awards
Opportunity to host events
The opportunity to be published in AoU literature
Opportunity to mentor Young Urbanists
Participate in Diagnostic Visits