Kathryn is the CEO of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, an organisation that works to inspiring excellence in architecture to deliver a sustainable and resilient future for all in society. As CEO she oversees the delivery of the RIAI Strategy and the development of RIAI policies, programmes, education and other services to support Registered Architects and Architectural Technologists.

An advocate for a high-quality and sustainable built environment, Kathryn represents the RIAI on a number of external committees, including the Irish Government’s Housing Commission, the Construction Industry Council, Construction Sector Group and the Build Digital Steering Group. She has represented the architectural profession on the steering group for the development of Ireland’s National Policy on Architecture, Places for People, and on the Town Centre First Policy advisory group.

Kathryn is on the editorial board of New Housing 3, Architectural Ireland and the RIAI Annual Review, Irish Architecture.

Kathryn will be a panelist in the Introduction session on Wednesday 26 April and later chair the Future Galway session on Thursday 27 April.

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